My First Movie Review For College

I Feel Pretty (2018)

In this comedy Renee Barrett (Amy Schumer) struggles with the insecurities of not being skinny. She constantly compares herself to the “fit” and “skinny” girls around her, which in return gives her very low confidence and self-esteem. An accident in her life happens and Renee now sees herself as beautiful and is confident with her outward appearance. She now is afraid that her friends will not recognize her.  Renee’s lack of self-esteem and confidence is built back up. People around are curious of what would spark this great change in their friend, who is now living life fearlessly. Renee doesn’t care about how other people see her. What will happen when she realizes that it was just a “spell?”

Renee had a dream job that she has always wanted working for Avery LeClaire and the LeClaire Family who are big in the makeup industry. She never pursued it because her body type is not that of a victoria secret model and so she would constantly talk herself out of it. With this new person that she has become, she decides why not and goes for it. Renee brings to the table what other employees can’t, which is being an average “broke” person who is able to help them market and sell their makeup products better. She has a short fling with Avery’s playboy brother Grant LeClaire who just loves the person she is and she risks her relationship with her boyfriend Scovel. Every man finds her irresistible with the newfound confidence that she has acquired. The attention that she gets makes her change her attitude and jeopardizes her relationships with her closest friends. 
Renee figures out where acceptance of her body comes from and that is from within.  Don’t worry about what the world thinks because on the inside there is a person with a good heart and nothing is wrong with her body. She just isn’t comfortable with it because of the comments from others. You may never be the size you want or be what other people want you to be and that’s okay. You need to feel good about you. She then feels called to share with people she comes into contact with that same powerful inspiring message, of how accepting who you are and what self-love from within can do to open doors and give you many opportunities you never thought you’d have.
I loved that the directors and writers of this movie had enough guts to tackle a problem so commonly known in the world. I wouldn’t say that they encouraged obesity, but showed how being active and taking strides to live out your dreams can change the course of your life. To let people bog you down and make you give up on life doesn’t help anyone. It makes matters worse.
I think it just makes people more aware and conscious about the words they use and how they say things. Being aware of the words that come out of one’s mouth can be a life saver, and getting into the habit of thinking before speaking is a great way to make small steps to change the world. I would recommend this movie just to use as an example to people that aren’t sure of themselves. It also gives insight into what might happen if you were to listen to the negative comments of those around you. I love this movie and it really got me thinking about how I feel about this commonly known issue in today’s society and how I think better to change the words that come out of my mouth to make sure someone doesn’t get the wrong idea when I joke about weight. My actions or words could change the course of someone’s life forever and I wouldn’t even know why. That just scares me. Depression, low confidence, and low self-esteem can literally kill in more ways than one.
If this movie doesn’t meet your standard of comedy, please think about the strong message that it's trying to deliver. This is a real world issue that just never seems to get better. If anything it will help you become more self-conscious about the words that come out of your mouth and in my opinion that’s really all that matters.
