My Future

This is something I wrote on February 16, 2017. I just found it and thought I'd share it.

My Future
By Jaclyn F. Wolf

Lately I've been doing some thinking in what my future may or should look like, which is uncertain. Will I go to college? Who do I want to be? What do I wish to accomplish in life? What is my soul purpose and goal on this earth? Well I hope to have some of these   questions answered and some of these I may never be certain of, or my answer to the question may not be what God has in store for my life.

I am currently writing this as a newly turned twenty year old. I have had many doubts and fears relating to my future moving forward. I've dwelt on the past trying to figure out why things happened, how to make sense of it, how to overcome them or forgive those who had an impact on those trials and trauma's so much so that I never really thought about my future.

My first question listed above was, "Will I go to college?" I have fought hard on this question due to a fear of failing or not living up to the standard of someone else that I've intended to prove myself too. I would love to go to college and become something amazing. I want to have adventure in my life, learn new things about myself that I never knew. There are so many things on my list that I would like to do.

I want to be a police officer, study diesel mechanics, be a fish and game warden, join the military, work with kids who have troubling pasts, have my own landscaping business, have a farm where kids can learn to grow plants, have fun and get away from their bad situations and learn that there is more to life than what they experience. Working with kids is my ultimate goal.

The second question is, "Who do I want to be?"
What I mean by this question is, what kind of person do I want to be? I want to be able to give generously with my time, money and my gifts that God has blessed me with. I don't want to be recognized for giving generously, but be recognized as a vessel of the Lord doing what he commanded of me in the bible.
I want all to know who I put my trust and faith in with my everyday life. I want God to be praised through me, and people to know the gospel through me. That's what is most important to me.

Third, "What do I wish to accomplish in my life?"
I want to be successful, money isn't everything but it is needed to survive. I want to be financially secure and not have to work all the time and be able to have money to enjoy a vacation or a fun weekend away some where. I would love to have multiple degrees, and maybe be fluent in Spanish.
Most importantly I want to lead people to Christ. Christ is the only reason I am here today and the person that I am I owe to Him. I want to show people that Christ can use horrible things and people to bring glory, praise and salvation. Eternal life is more important than anything in the world.

Fourth is, "What is my soul purpose and goal on this earth?" My soul purpose and goal on this earth is to glorify God with everything I do. I want to follow the commands that God has set for me to do. I think the biggest way that I am gifted in is to work with kids. And to minster to those who don't know Him. I think the spiritual aspect of forgiveness or to move forward from something that has scarred you or was a very traumatic event in ones life is learning and understanding that Christ did the same thing for us, He didn't have to but He did. To have a slight understanding of God's mercy and giving us the chance to have a shot at being in the kingdom of heaven is amazing. It's hard to fully grasp the concept of a God or King allowing us the freedom rather than the eternal death that we deserve.
